
Hacktoberfest® is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code.

Register on the webiste and make 4 Pull Requests (PR’s) to win a T-shirt.

Website - https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/

Repository - https://github.com/Py-Contributors/Hacktoberfest-2020/

How to Participate ?

  1. Fork the Repo

    To start, Click on Fork button in the top-right corner. It will create a copy of repository in your account.

  2. Clone the Repository

    You can clone the repository in your local pc with use of Github-Desktop application or for your Terminal/bash.

  1. Upload Your Code or Change

    Make the changes you want to make in the repository. It can be spelling mistakes, code correction or anything.

    You can also upload your program to respective folder. It can be anything “Hello world program”, “Rock Paper Scissors”.

    Note:- Please Upload your program with proper Documentation in it. So everyone can understand what your program is doing.

  2. Push it and Make a PR

    Push it to your repository and make a PR in main repository.

Voila, You have Contributed to open-source 😋.

If you are stuck somewhere use Stackoverflow, Discord or simply Google it.

And remember, everyone is a beginner when they start a new thing and they face a lot of issues. But keep trying and don’t give up, that’s what transforms a beginner into a pro 😄.

For queries mail us at: