Whether you are a seasoned open source professional, an enthusiastic community contributor, or dipping your toes in for the very first time, there is an opportunity to participate in Hacktoberfest.

How to Participate:

To complete the Hacktober Challenge, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Submit four (4) quality pull requests (PRs) to the below Py-contributors repo. you can choose other open-source repo as well.
  2. Not all community maintainers are participating in Hacktoberfest. Check for the hacktoberfest label to find participating repos. Once all four of your PRs have received the hacktoberfest-accepted label, fill out the form below with links to your PRs.
  3. Your submission will be reviewed and if approved, you will receive a follow-up email asking for more information.

Our Advice

  1. Your PR does not have to be code-heavy. Documentation improvements are always welcome. Read the project’s contributor guide/CONTRIBUTING.MD page before getting started to understand how to write a PR that will pass any automated testing in the project, which will make it more likely to be accepted.
  2. If you do not respond to a request for changes within 7 days, your PR will be closed.
  3. if you make the requested changes after your PR has been closed, feel free to submit another PR.
  4. Strive to adhere to our Community Code of Conduct.
  5. Review the Hacktoberfest Resources page for more information regarding Hacktoberfest